Monday, November 14, 2011


If you guys noticed I haven't been posting my monthly playlist lately. It always seems to slip my mind, and especially with all the good music today. Well I don't wanna dwell too much on that, but recently I've been going through youtube looking for new songs to listen to. Trust me I found this user she posts all these remixes of artists I've listened to and they are AMAZING! Find her here: CLICK I hit jackpot also when watching the show Awkward, the song selection is beyond! Another is one of my best friends Alex Quevedo sending me the such good tunes! I can always trust her when it comes to music since she has such good taste! 

Anyways I've compiled some songs and decided to title this playlist XXXXXXXXXXXXXXO1. Why is there a 1? This is sort of part. 1 of the songs I found and listened to, and I'll be compiling and sharing with you time to time. Expect part. 2 soon!





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